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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Creative Gift Ideas

Looking for a gift for that special someone? Before you go out and buy one, consider making one yourself. These gifts are always more personalized and most people would appreciate the extra effort. Here's a quick rundown of a few creative gift ideas for your loved one that shouldn't cost you much if anything at all.

Write a Love Letter

This one is more for the ladies than it is for men but could work either way. Write them a letter about all the things you love about them, how they make you feel, etc.

Make a Scrapbook

It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just fill it with memorabilia and photos of you two together. A lot of places let you create free photo albums online.

The Day

That's right, pick and day and tell your partner its their day and you will do whatever or take them wherever they want.

Night In

Stay at home and cook them a nice meal. Set the mood with music, candles, and their favorite wine.

Coupon Books

These can be a lot of fun for both of you and won't cost you anything but time. Fill the book up with coupons such as " one free back rub " or " I cook dinner tonight " or anything else you can think of.


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