Let's face it, cheating is always going to be a hot topic for anyone in a relationship. We've all had the thought cross our minds or had suspicions, but how can you be sure? Here are the top 10 signs that he or she might be cheating on you. Now remember, nothing is 100% certain. Be sure to think and talk things through with your partner before jumping to conclusions and accusing them of cheating.
1. Evasive Answers
Your partner gives evasive answers about simple questions or they suddenly seem extra defensive about things.
2. Appearance
Your partner takes a brand new interest in their appearance. Now they might be doing this as something to improve themselves, but if they don't care if you notice or downplay your compliments, it could be a sign that he or she is trying to impress someone else.
3. Become Secretive
Your partner refuses to tell you about their day or answer simple questions. They might even get angry at you for asking or accuse you of not trusting them.
4. Unexpected Over Time or Business Trips
Finding time to get out of the house without raising suspicion can be pretty difficult. Work is often one of the main excuses used since you are a lot less likely to question them about it.
5. Difficulty Reaching Your Partner
If you are constantly having your calls unanswered and having to leave messages, it could be that your partner is to preoccupied with their new relationship.
6. Increasing Arguments
A cheating partner might pick fights or look for trouble as an excuse to get out of the house, and a sort of " justification " for their cheating with things like " We just don't get along " or "He/She just doesn't understand me"
7. Increased Time On The Computer
Be sure to watch out for new email accounts or if your partner is clearing their history frequently.
8. Partner Is Preoccupied
Your partner is constantly doing things and never seems to have any time to talk or spend any time with you without much of an explanation as to what they are doing.
9. Hiding The Bills Or Suspicious Purchases
In an effort to cover their tracks, your partner might start hiding the bills or make excuses or a big deal about why they purchased something. Bills are usually the best place to look for signs of repetitive behavior (phone numbers, hotels, restaurants, etc.)
10. Intuition
Your gut instincts are usually correct. If you feel like something is wrong, it usually is.
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