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Monday, October 22, 2012

Relationships And Social Networks

These days almost anyone you meet will have some form of social network. Myspace,Facebook,Twitter, or any of the social networks can be a great way to keep in touch and keep up with current events, but have you ever considered how these websites might affect your relationship? Below is a list of the most common problems social networks can cause for your relationship and a few tips on how to avoid them.

Too Much Information

In the heat of the moment it’s tempting to vent your anger online, but does the world really need to know your personal problems? Call a friend instead. Arguing online for everyone to see is like having a screaming match in public.

The Past

The past should stay in the past. Getting friend requests from an ex girlfriend or boyfriend or tagging them in photos is one of the easiest ways to bring up some jealousy and start an argument.


You and your partner should be friends on any social networks you use. If they refuse or don’t let you see things on their page you have every right to be suspicious. If the issue of trust comes up you and your partner should be willing to share e-mails, text messages, or login information to provide each other reassurance.

Relationship Status

Anyone involved in a relationship should have it clearly stated on their page. There are a few exceptions but most of the time if your partner is refusing to state their in a relationship on their social network, consider it a red flag.

Sharing Information

Be careful about what you share online. You and your partner should agree on what’s shared online with others. Some people have no problem sharing every detail of their life online while others may choose to keep most things between the two of you.

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