With the popularity of the internet, meeting people has become easier than ever. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and all other social networking websites are great for meeting new people. These websites though aren’t really suited for online dating. That’s not to say that it can’t be done, it’s just a lot less likely to meet someone there specifically looking for a relationship. A great alternative is joining an online dating website. A lot of them require some sort of paid member ship although there are plenty of free ones out there. The problem here is the majority of these websites have a large number of men compared to women so if you are a man, your profile really has to stand out. The advice below should help out both genders if you plan on making an online dating profile.
Take your profile picture into consideration. Don’t just throw any picture up there and don’t use one from 3+ years ago either. The more recent the picture is the better. Putting up pictures of yourself outdoors or out doing things with friends will show that your active and have things going on and not just someone who sits in front of their computer way too much. Avoid focusing too much on your achievements and hobbies instead state how you feel about them. Explain why you like doing the certain things you do. Women especially are a lot more likely to respond to emotion.
When you send out your first contact message, don’t send out something simple like hey or what’s up. The majority of contact messages say something along those lines so more than likely yours will just end up ignored. Your message should be tailored specifically to his or her profile. Tell them exactly what it was about their profile that you liked and what attracted you to them. Even with the best profile and message you can’t guarantee you will get a response, but doing these basic steps greatly increases your chances of getting a reply.
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