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Sunday, November 25, 2012

How To Ask Someone Out On a Date

Asking someone out on a date can be a terrifying experience. Your hands sweat, your voice cracks, you can’t seem to stop talking…what could be worse? The bad news is that there really is no way to avoid it; you are just going to have to suck it up and ask them. The good news is however, there are certain things you can do to help you increase your chances of getting a yes.

Be confident

Don’t set yourself up for failure by automatically assuming he or she is going to say no. Going into it with a great attitude will increase your chances tremendously. Don’t mope over to them; walk over there with confidence and a smile.

Establish Attraction

One thing you should always do is make sure he or she is attracted to you. Just because they seem nice doesn’t instantly guarantee attraction. They might think of you as a friend. Help with this can be found in my other posts, How To Let Him Know You Are Interested and Does He Like You.

Ask her out casually

Ask them out to lunch or some other casual activity. Try to avoid using the word “date” if you think it might freak them out. One way to do it is to mention that you are already doing whatever activity it is and it would be fun if they would come along.

Be specific

Don’t leave him or her clueless by just saying “Hey let’s go grab lunch sometime” or “We should see a movie”. Be specific about your plans. Tell them the name of the restaurant or wherever it is you want to go to, this will allow them to feel more comfortable and better prepare.


Timing is very important here. When you ask them out make sure you do it when you are both having a good time. I find it’s best to ask them when it’s just the two of you to increase your chances. People are a lot less likely to say yes when they are surrounded by their friends. Another thing is not to just ask them on a date out of the blue; even if they do like you, there is a possibility to get turned down when you just spring it up on them out of nowhere.

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