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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Checking Out Others While In a Relationship

It’s no secret that we will encounter someone attractive other than our partner, and we are going to look. It’s natural to look at someone you find attractive and there is no need to feel ashamed or guilty about it or see yourself as being unfaithful to your partner. But what do you do if your boyfriend or girlfriend is constantly checking out other people? Every time you two go out he or she is always looking around, not paying any attention to you. Is there such a thing as looking too much?

Although it is natural for people to look, there is a right and a wrong way of going about it. When you are on your own, feel free to look around all you want. Your partner isn’t there so you don’t have to worry about anyone’s feelings getting hurt. When you are with your partner however, you are going to need to be a little more discreet. A quick glance over is harmless, but if you stare, exchange smiles, or even look like you are undressing them with your eyes, you’ve got a problem. Not only is this disrespectful to your partner but it can make them feel hurt and unattractive, lowering their self-esteem.

A look every now and then is fine but if you find your partner constantly checking out other men or women it could be a sign that they are losing interest in the relationship. Start paying more attention to their behavior for any other signs that they might be giving off that he or she isn’t as interested in you anymore. Check out my post on Break Up Signs for help with that. If you have become tired of your partners wandering eye, then it’s time to talk to them about it. Good communication is the key to every healthy relationship. Let your partner know you feel upset by their behavior. If your partner doesn’t make any changes to their behavior, it’s pretty safe to say they don’t consider your feelings important.

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